Friday, January 30, 2009


Georgia Ann Banks-Martin

Academic Preparation:

MFA in Creative Writing Queens University of Charlotte
Concentration: Poetry Charlotte, NC

Committee: Alan Michael Parker, Sally Keith, Peter Stitt, Brighde Mullins
Thesis: Rhapsody for Things Learned or Remembered

B.A. in English, Language Arts, Huntingdon College
Montgomery, AL

Concentrations: Secondary Education, Communications Studies
B.S. in Psychology, Auburn University Montgomery
Montgomery, AL

Concentrations: Pre-Clinical Psychology, Fine Arts

Professional experience:

Public School Teacher 1998-2005
English, Honors English, Reading, Drama grades 7-12
Cheerleading and Debate grades 11-12
Cheerleader: As head cheerleader coach, I found creative ways to obtain funds for the purchase of new uniforms and team equipment. I was instrumental in maintaining good relations between my team and other school teams, as well as developed interesting and exciting promotions, activities that increased support for the entire athletic department from advertisers, outside fundraising firms, and sponsors.

Debate: My award winning debate team members graduated with honors in Forensics, which included lifetime membership in the National Forensic League (NFL). I arranged for my teams to compete and host tournaments, while maintaining our NFL charter. This included updating our National Forensic League web presence after each tournament. Maintaining records of wins and losses and submitting the proper paperwork to ensure both local and national recognition of outstanding team members. In addition, I used this information to generate funds and interest for in my program from school leadership, making certain that winning team members were interviewed by media representatives and that copies of articles, pictures and awards were displayed in a place of consequence. Graduating team members’ names and forensic honors were posted on a special hallway bulletin board.
Museum Educator 1994-2004:
Ten years of combined volunteer and paid experience in museum education, (Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts) that began with me conducting gallery tours, then grew into an instructional position in which I taught art lessons to underserved community youth. I also made new contacts for my program, and arranged meetings with the head of organizations with which relationships had been developed; also, I maintained written records of student participation, weekly lessons and student work samples.
During this time I also, worked on the Auburn University Montgomery, student newspaper, as a page editor. My connection to the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts allowed me to develop a relationship with the PR departments of both the museum and Alabama Shakespeare Company that afforded me press releases photos of coming exhibits, and programs.
Over seven years experience in education, which includes public speaking, team promotions, fundraising and communications, and working with both special needs and regular students

Good technical proficiency: word processing, database record keeping, PowerPoint, Internet based research, and Internet communications.

Exceptional program administration, design, organizing, setup, and hosting abilities

Evening Guitar. African-American Review. Forthcoming 2009
Zinnias. African-American Review. Forthcoming 2009
Montgomery Stairs. After Shocks: The Poetry of Recovery for Life-Shattering Events
Memorial Day. Ariel XXII 2007
On an Autumn Day. Fiera Lingue. October 2008
Portrait of American Hope. Möbius: The Poetry Journal 2007
Thanks for Broken Road. Nomad’s Choir 2006
Tired. Pearl. Forthcoming 2009
Leaving Home. Poetic Hours 2004
Named Strays. Poetic Hours 2007
South Carolina Morning. Prick of the Spindle- 2008
Nothing . South Ash Press. September 1994,
The Red Room. South Ash Press. October 1994
Anonymous House, Conjure Woman, Early Southern Spring, Hiding History,
Months after the Crash. Thanal Online, 2007
Madonna and Child forthcoming. Xavier Review. Forthcoming 2009

Book Reviews:
The True Portrait of AIDS
Book: Case Walking: An Aids Case Manager Wails Her Blues by Julene Tripp
Her Circle Ezine

Tea and Self-Reliance
Book: The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery
Her Circle Ezine

True Birth
Book: Voice of Ice by Alta Ifland
Her Circle Ezine

Professional Service:
Submissions Reviewer-African-American Review
Artworks Short-Term Steering Committee
Evans Collection Out-Reach Committee
Textbook Committee
Senior Class Sponsorship Committee
Yearbook Chairperson
BBST Committee

Community Outreach:
Community Out-reach-Instructor-Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts third grade program
Connections Program-Instructor-Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts

Readings and Panels:
Salute to the Arts Festival 2008
Writing by Degrees Conference 2008

Honors and Awards:
Capitol City Jaycees-Spoke Award
Dean’s List
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts-Service Award
National Forensic League Degree of Honor
Who’s Who among America’s Teachers

Modern Language Association
Association of Writers and Writing Programs